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Big D

the nickname of a man so great that Chuck Norris cries when he thinks about this man. He is god's only fear and the devil's worst nightmare. Do not insult this man or he will destroy your life. He live in a small town in the richest province of Canada and is very notorious all across town. A longer version of his name would be Notorious Big D. He has had sex with more women then most men at the age of 20 and dated more women then any man. Gay men dream about licking Big D's toes. Women dream about licking Big D's big d.
He is very dangerous.

"dylan is now paralyzed with no fingers and is deaf now. its horrible!"
"what the hell happened?!"
"he insulted Big D"
"... oh god. Thats worse then being dead!"

Three guys from school kept on bullying steve. Steve asked Big D for help. Those three guys moved to Russia. Then died in their sleep. The cause is unknown, scientists believed they were dreaming of Big D.

by Poprock Bitch. April 14, 2009

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