Source Code


A police officer, derived from the word "copper", which is what police officers were slangly called when their badges were made of copper.

*Damn cop gave me a ticket, I fucking hate him.

*Damn cop took my yay, I fucking hate him.

*Damn cop shot my ass for robbing that liqour store. I fucking hate him.

by Pork King May 1, 2003

986πŸ‘ 511πŸ‘Ž

dick bastard

A mix between a sonovabitch and a lame-ass jerk. Usually found trying to impress people with non-existent knowledge, material possesions, etc. A wholly unlikable person because of his arrogent yet ignorant attitude.

"Hey cowboy, I have a big boat that I use to pick up the hottest chicks. I'm soooo smart."

"No, you sir, are a dick bastard."

by Pork King May 1, 2003

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Slang for a businessman or any authority figure that wears a suit, e.g. manager, boss, supervisor.

Those suits have been riding my ass all day.

by Pork King April 30, 2003

563πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Irish car bomb

A drink consisting of a shot glass full of 1 1/2 oz. of Hennesy Irish whiskey and 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish creme. Drop the shot glass into a 1/2 pint of Ginnuss sp? and down it quick.

Man, I had about 5 Irsh Car Bombs last night...I was fucked up.

by Pork King April 30, 2003

79πŸ‘ 393πŸ‘Ž

shit creek

A metaphor for deep trouble, usually one is said to be up shit creek without a paddle.

I just killed my roommate and I don't have an alibi...I'm up shit creek without a paddle.

by Pork King April 30, 2003

187πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

bung hole

Another term for asshole, derived from the hole that a bung (stopper for a hole in a barrel) fits in.

Dude, my bung hole is covered with dingleberries.

by Pork King April 30, 2003

579πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

World War II

According to the protagonist in Kurt Vonnegut's "Timequake":

"...The world's second unsucessful attempt to commit suicide."

A Japanese anti-tank mine in World War II? A 1000Kg bomb placed in a hole in the road with a Japanese soldier wielding a hammer.

by Pork King November 5, 2005

484πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž