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Use or take advantage of another person, especially sexually, with little or no regard for their desires or pleasures

She didn't seem to care, so I thought I'd exploit the little bitch - fuck her throat, asshole, slap her around a little

by Prp Guy April 4, 2006

292👍 151👎

max out

to penetrate all three major female orifices - mouth, vagina and anus - consecutively or simultaneously

I need to max out that girl before I dump her

by Prp Guy March 31, 2006

41👍 57👎


loose woman or slut, especially one who likes ejaculatory fluid

That cumslut will suck like a Hoover, swallow, lick her lips, and turn 3 degrees counter-clockwise to suck off guy #37.

by Prp Guy April 4, 2006

561👍 326👎


have intercourse with, fill (an orifice)

I stuffed that chick last week
I stuffed her cunt twice and her asshole once before she passed out drunk

by Prp Guy March 31, 2006

26👍 49👎


Mediocre sex - comes from the saying "Sex is like jello. When it's good, it's really good. But when it's bad, it's still pretty good."

A: "So, you shagged her last night? How was it?"
B: "Jello."
A: "Beats watching TV, right?"

by Prp Guy April 4, 2006

252👍 157👎

walk the dog

Have sex with your boyfriend when you're not in the mood because he won't stop humping your leg until you do

Girl 1: Did you and Jason get home from the bar ok last night?
Girl 2: Yeah. We were pretty drunk. I was ready to sleep but I had to walk the dog first.
Girl 1: How was it?
Girl 2: Fine. He came in 3 minutes and we both passed out. Then we had really good hangover sex the next morning.

by Prp Guy February 12, 2011

21👍 37👎


1. verb - bother, irritate, annoy, ride, harass
2. verb - have sex with doggystyle
3. noun - hound, player, one who seeks meaningless sex with multiple partners

1. Dude! Don't dog me like that!
2. After getting her cunt nice and wet with my tongue, I bent her over to dog her for a while.
3. Men are dogs.

by Prp Guy April 4, 2006

99👍 80👎