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When a person, through action or inaction, unintentionally offends another person or persons which could result in the offended party reacting in aggression - such as violence or verbal assault.

Male: I don't know of any right that white people have that colored people do not.
Black Female: It is actually "person of color".
Male: I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend.
Black Female: You're microaggression offends me.

by Radical Conservative March 9, 2018

28πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Always Abstinence April

Tradition/challenge involving not masturbating for the entire month of April. Typically a punishment for those who failed No Nut November.

Edgy Boi: Yo, did you beat NNN?
Edgy Boi 2: No. I guess I'll be doing Always Abstinence April.

by Radical Conservative December 28, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Collective blanket-term for all right-winged extremists such as Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.

There were Alt-Right protesters everywhere.

by Radical Conservative July 24, 2018

202πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


The fictional surgery from The Transformers universe that involves removing replacing one's hands with claws and one's head with an emotionless, one-eyed face.

Shockwave: Empurata is the official name for the procedure. They took my hands... and my head.

by Radical Conservative January 7, 2019

No u

Reversing an insult given to you onto the one who gave it.

Bully: Your mom is gay and you are fat!
You: No u.

by Radical Conservative July 12, 2018


Godly god of LEGO gods that was too godly that it was canceled. But, as a god, was reborn, just like Jesus, but soon returned to its grave. However, as long as followers of it exist, it is still alive.

Bionicle is still alive in our hearts.

by Radical Conservative August 3, 2018

161πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A Circlejerk, as it relates to politics, is when a group of people with the same political ideology "discuss" political topics. The resulting discussion is completely pointless due to the group already having the same ideas. The participants usually have not had a political discussion with one of the opposing political side and make absurd generalizations about the opposite side, demonizing them as much as possible. It is impossible for one of the opposing views to join in the activity because that would defeat the purpose of the activity.

Jerkoff 1: So uh... America fucking sucks.
Jerkoff 2: Yeah, man, it's run by a literal Nazi. Like... worse than Hitler.
Jerkoff 1: Totally, and it has like... a billion school shootings every month.
Jerkoff 3: Yeah, man.
Normal Person: Do you really think Trump is *worse* than Hitler?
Jerkoff 2: Fuck off, racist.
Jerkoff 3: That man is such a low-IQ bigot. Like, did he really just ask that question?
Jerkoff 1: I know, man. Anyone with a brain knows that Trump is like... worse than Super Hitler.
Normal Person: Ugh... can't win against idiots during their circlejerk.

by Radical Conservative June 4, 2019

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