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When a typical literature is made-up

Non-Fiction Books are books that are true. But fiction books are made up books.

by Radin Happier August 10, 2022


"Yeet" is a term used to engage excitement and joy, and is mainly used for activities such as Jumping or Throwing Something.

YEET! YEET! Lots of jumps here, YEET!

by Radin Happier June 23, 2023


LazarBeams favorite word


by Radin Happier October 15, 2022


HYCYBH is an abbreviation that means "Have you checked your butthole" which was a phrase that comedy artist Tom Cardy has thought of.

The abbreviation was used for a song that was defined to be a funny thing to say to someone who has lost their shit and is stressed out visibly.

"Where's my phone?" "Is it up your butthole?"
"I lost my loan." "Have you checked up your b-hole?"
"I'm losing my patience." "Check your anus"
"Where is your class?" "I think it's stuck up your ass"
"I just lost my grandma"
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry"
Are you capable of not saying she's up my asshole?
Of course, my condolences
I'm not looking for a silly joke right now
Yeah, yeah... what are you looking for?
Honestly, just like, a shoulder to crҀ”

HYCYBH! (Have you checked your butthole?!)
Ski-dap, ba-dap, butthole
Maybe you'll find your dead grandma up there, too
Oh, I fuckin' got you, butthole
My family hate me
This might be the reason that I've got no close friends
Fuckin' worth it, baby

by Radin Happier August 3, 2023

Nerd Rage

A song that was created by the fake cartoon band Your Favorite Martian. Which had Puff-Puff Humbert, the main singer. Voiced by Ray William Johnson. And Benetar, The guitarist, pianist, AND singer. Who was voiced by Ray William Johnson in YFMTS and Jesse Cale in the songs.

I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
They say I nerd rage, I say they don't understand
Keep talkin' trash, bitch
I'ma have to ban you from my chat room
And I can hardly think
But I'ma have to slap Jar Jar Binks
And slam George Lucas' head in a car door
For far more than just ruining Star Wars
Stop re-mastering, you're making it worse
And for the love of god, Greedo didn't shoot first
And fuck Comic Sans and fuck low bandwidth
And never say Pluto ain't a planet, goddamnit
I'm readin' what you're saying on the message boards
Yes, I have too had sex before!

by Radin Happier October 29, 2022

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Jim + Timothy


by Radin Happier August 5, 2023


"Phatass" is an internet slang term derived from "fat ass," which is used to refer to someone with well-developed or ample buttocks.

Or colloquially used to describe someone who is perceived as socially anxious and acting foolishly.

1. She got that phatass!
2. You're a phatass...

by Radin Happier October 7, 2023

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž