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Mourning wood

getting a boner at a funeral.

when i was at aunt Betty's funeral uncle Sean had mourning wood when he saw the body

by Rammit Inmah Asshol May 17, 2017

21👍 2👎

one-wipe wonder

the rare occasion when you take a shit and only have to wipe once

Friend: well you weren't in there for long
Me: it was a one-wipe wonder

by Rammit Inmah Asshol May 18, 2017

Bandwagon whore

someone who will not hesitate to hop on any new fad, fashion trend or tv show just because their friends and marketing say so and will try to pressure you into following them

Joe: dude you should definitely watch 13 reasons why that show is the best thing that has happened to tv
Me: shut-up you fucking bandwagon whore

by Rammit Inmah Asshol May 18, 2017

common sense

something most people lack

Friend: dude me and some mates are going cliff diving up on the coast, you want to come

Me: common sense mate, common sense

by Rammit Inmah Asshol May 18, 2017

2👍 3👎