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minute maid pink lemonade

maybe the best drink ever created ?

person 1: yo have you had your daily dose of minute maid pink lemonade? person 2: yeah bro shit was godly omg

by Rap fan ig April 21, 2023

If looks could kill

Baby im the fashion.. demon.. ridin down candler road and im speedin.. i got hella hoes tryna fuck me n my bros... i got hella shows lined up im on the road....

yooo bro do you like if looks could kill by destroy lonely? I kinda feel like that wolf in the meme right now broo..

by Rap fan ig March 14, 2023

43👍 7👎

Kanye West

Kanye West, the man, the myth, and the legend. The man who has changed the rap and the music industry forever and has changed the standard of music nowadays. With his 10 studio albums, as well as 3 other collaborative albums, one of the most famous being Kids see ghosts. With Kanye West, Kid Cudi. Most of his albums revolve around many different genres. Kanye West is a very appreciated artist when it comes to music though, and if you don't know who he is your living under a rock

Friend 1: Yo did you hear about the new Kanye West album??
Friend 2: Yeah Donda right? I've listened to it, man Kanye West is so good.

by Rap fan ig January 3, 2022