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Anal swag

The swagger you get when you shove 10 hives of bees up your ass and clench for dear life

Wow, that street preacher sure has anal swag

Dang it, Bobby, if I catch you with that anal swag one more time I’m kicking your ass. Last thing I need is people thinking I raised a masochistic ass clown

by Raul Pudd October 5, 2023

Ho Lee Fook’s

A Chinese restaurant in the bad part of London (re: London). A probable triad front, it’s noted violent crimes and werewolf sightings.

Might be named for prominent Chinese communist Ho Lee Fook

Saw a man get stabbed out by Ho Lee Fook’s
Doin the Werewolves of London

by Raul Pudd October 8, 2023

Ang out

When you become Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Ang: I’m gonna- I’m gonna Ang out!

by Raul Pudd October 28, 2023

Raul Pudd

Raul Pudd is the orangutan from the end of every Jimmy Neutron episode, alleged long lost evil twin of actor Paul Rudd, and founder of Raul Pudd Pornography. Hated by Paul Rudd fans (Paul Rudders) for associating his name with monkey smut and long winded monologues about vaginal discharge.

Google oranguatan sex trafficking.

Raul Pudd just fucked my wife. I’m gonna tranq that bastard and sell him to some horny Malaysians.

Hi, I’m Raul

Vladimir Lenin: Raul Pudd is my favorite midget porn director. I cum buckets every time!”

by Raul Pudd October 2, 2023

one of you

Get two friends, then push them into traffic. One (1) of you lived to the end of this sentence, but the others aren't so lucky.

Creepy Carl: "One of you needs to get down here and suck my dick."
One of you: "Fuck yourself in the ass, Creepy Carl."

by Raul Pudd August 5, 2021

5👍 2👎

Kingston Mudslide

Customary Canadian sex act that involves eating an entire bottle of thousand island dressing off/out of a stranger’s anus.

Often accompanied with a Malaysian Jam Tango.

Hoser McMapledick: So you gave that gay Indian hipster a Kingston Mudslide, eh?

Justin Trudeau: Yes! My omnisexual midget manservant gave me a Spicy Tuesday the entire time. I came buckets!
Hoser McMapledick: Typical Thursday.

by Raul Pudd October 28, 2023

Spicy Tuesday

When you shove a fistful of ghost peppers in someone’s asshole and fistfuck furiously for hours until prolapse. Pioneered by Discord moderators.

Alvin Chipmunk: Chipette just gave me a spicy Tuesday in front of 3,000 twitch followers and I feel like a girl now. Better to take it in the ass than be taken by the ass, right?
Simon Chipmunk: Every day we stray further from God’s light. I pray for another flood.
Theodore Chipmunk: Are you gonna eat the peppers?

by Raul Pudd October 28, 2023