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Something so fast that you can't even say 2fast4u.

Racer: I'm 2fast4u!
Racer 2: shaddap stupid mf, i'm 3fast5u!

by ReeeeeMeister666Except420 October 30, 2018

Angsty Teens

More than one Angsty Teen.

Teens: pffft, we aren't angsty teens, we're just misunderstood.

by ReeeeeMeister666Except420 October 29, 2018

32👍 12👎


A nickname given to Sammy by the angsty teen community. It is used as an insult among the angsty teens. Shmee does not deserve this hate, but gets it anyway because the angsty teen community is a bunch of losers.

Kid: Shmee sucks.
Kid 2: Only angsty teens say that.

by ReeeeeMeister666Except420 October 28, 2018

4👍 2👎

Ruler of the rulers

Some kid who has too many rulers and everyone needs to borrow rulers from him in geometry class.

Kid: Yo can I borrow a ruler?
Ruler of the rulers: Sure y not lmao.

by ReeeeeMeister666Except420 November 2, 2018

4👍 1👎


Rajveer is the name given to an interesting character. He can be considered annoying by some, but many people consider him a good person. He isn't the best at math, but at least he's smarter than shmee is, at least according to everyone.

Kid: Rajveer just got a 92 on his math test!
Kid 2: NANI?

by ReeeeeMeister666Except420 October 26, 2018

210👍 45👎