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A popular group on Facebook dedicated to deadmau5 fans. Includes regular updates as to deadmau5's activities, amusing posts from fans, links to videos of deadmau5 interviews and performances, and discussions on various deadmau5 controversies. By far the best deadmau5 fan group on Facebook, in my opinion.

I'm a proud member of mau5tards. It gives me all the information I could possibly want concerning my hero deadmau5!

by Rellik Uzi August 15, 2010

59πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A slang term to refer to LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). The term "Cidney" derives from word "acid" which is another term for LSD.

Cidney is often used as a code word for LSD when referring to the drug in a public setting or over the phone where one does not want to openly discuss illegal activities.

Cidney is used like a person's name in such discussions. Like saying "I'm chillin' with my cousin Cidney this weekend" to indicate you are planning to use LSD over the weekend.

My girl Cidney made my Pepsi bottle morph into Santa Claus!

by Rellik Uzi August 14, 2010

75πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Joey from Canada

A nickname for the best electronic music producer and performer EVER: deadmau5.

Joey from Canada is my hero!

by Rellik Uzi August 18, 2010

40πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Zombie Fegelein

Adolf Hitler's Master of Antics Hermann Fegelein has returned from his alleged death. He claims he was never killed during Hitler's downfall but invented time travel and is now here to party with DJ Keitel, Zombie Hitler, and Funny Hitler!

Fegelein denies accusations that he himself is a zombie, but there is much speculation on this matter. His association with Zombie Hitler (a confirmed zombie) is suspicious. His sudden Facebook marriage to Rellik Uzi is also suspicious as Mrs. Uzi-Fegelein has been predicting a zombie apocalypse for several months. This controversial topic is open for debate.

Zombie Fegelein is definitely a zombie. Either that or he is just continuing to do a fuck load of meth in the present.

by Rellik Uzi August 27, 2010

35πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A commonly prescribed anti-depressant medication that has the unfortunate side effect of turning users into zombies. If you take Zoloft and have noticed any of the following symptoms DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIATELY and contact your doctor:

An obsession with brains, a lack of brain function, a lack of emotions, an increased desire to eat unusual foods, a bizarre urge to rip open people's skulls and consume their brains, a sudden change in appearance where you begin to look hideous and monster-like, or any other symptom you find unpleasant.

These could be signs the Zoloft is turning you into a zombie. Discontinuing taking the medication usually reverses this side effect, provided your psychiatrist can advise you to stop taking the drug before you de-brain him.

Ever since I started taking Zoloft I have found human brains to be positively delicious!

by Rellik Uzi September 11, 2010

75πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


A nickname for the world's best electronic music producer and performer Joel Zimmerman (aka deadmau5)

Haha Joelololol's lastest fb post was soooo funny!!!

by Rellik Uzi August 18, 2010

41πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Joel Zimmerman

The real name of popular electronic music producer and performer deadmau5.

Joel Zimmerman aka deadmau5 is one of the most popular techno artists right now.

by Rellik Uzi August 12, 2010

124πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž