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ham sambitch

A person who makes ham sandwiches without cutting off the crust. They typically put pickles in the sandwich too.

A ham Sambitch normally has brown hair, brown eyes, and brown eyebrows. That is why they don’t cut off the crust, as it is sort of brown.

Hannah: Are you kidding me? She didn’t cut off the crust from my ham sandwich. She is such a ham sambitch.

by Removed Sandwich Crust May 19, 2021


Abbreviation of ‘Shut the fucking door’. Generally used by teenagers when their mom doesn’t close the door.

Mom: Here’s your dinner.

*leaves room without closing door*
Teenager pulls out phone to text mom: STFD

by Removed Sandwich Crust May 26, 2021


Thot typed with numbers. Just flip it upside down.

Makyto: Flip the numbers 180° and see what you get.
Kiyeko: 1401 upside down is, Thot.
Kiyeko: Isn’t that right, Sakuya!?

by Removed Sandwich Crust June 2, 2021

The fog is lifted

Ryoma Hoshi from Danganronpa V3’s objection line.

Kitty: The door was glued shut, so I doubt anyone was hiding in there.
Roomba: The fog is lifted!

by Removed Sandwich Crust June 2, 2021


A twitch thot about to type “UwU”, but her dad comes in and throws her computer out the window. The thot’s mother can occasionally be the one doing the PC destroying.

Random guy: Wow you’re so cute!

Twitch Thot: Uw

by Removed Sandwich Crust May 26, 2021


When you submit a definition to Urban Dictionary.

Bob: God I’m finally done with my Urban Dictionary definition.

Phone: Submitted!

by Removed Sandwich Crust May 26, 2021

17👍 2👎


The fancy spelling of ‘Brittany’.

Gerold: What’s the new girl’s name?

Chris: I think it’s Breihtaeny.

by Removed Sandwich Crust May 26, 2021