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A expression used instead of a typical curse word. Stands for "Mother F****** Nation" It is used to describe: People, places, events, etc... It can also be used as a verb. Originated at the Roger Williams University Campus in Bristol, RI.

"My electric bill is MFNing HIGH"
"MFN, I have to work"
"That man is MFNing me"
"The fact that two other definitions of this word exist is BIG MFN"

by Richard Williams April 23, 2007

6πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A expression used instead of a typical curse word. Stands for "Mother F****** Nation" It is used to describe: People, places, events, etc... It can also be used as a verb. Originated at the Roger Williams University Campus in Bristol, RI.

"My electric bill is MFNing HIGH"
"MFN, I have to work"
"That man is MFNing me"
"The fact that two other definitions of this word exist is BIG MFN"

by Richard Williams May 1, 2007

6πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


a block where verbalists and tramps are from eg.dylan,byron,ramone,ethan,cole

dylan:i ainҀ™t paid ima go bando and eat a bacon butty (dirty waterloo)

by Richard Williams January 2, 2021