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Double Depression

When a person is diagnosed with depression only to learn that they cant afford the antidepressants that the doctor has prescribed.

I went to the doctor, he says that I am depressed. So I take my prescription to the pharmacy, only to find out that I cant afford the medication. I have double depression.

by Robyn Bankx January 7, 2011

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second world problem

Problems that the working poor have but the wealthy class just don't understand.

Boss : My security system bill is due. We pay it once a year for convenience. I know, It's a first world problem.
Me : My gas service and water service has been cut off for a few months now. If I cant get my water service back on, I'll be evicted. I know, second world problem.

by Robyn Bankx June 22, 2017

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scrooge dumped

When a boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you right before Christmas because they are too cheap or too uncommitted to buy you a Christmas present. It usually occurs between Thanksgiving and will last until February 14th.

Roger : I'm sorry, but things aren't really clicking between you and me right now, with all this family stuff and all. I hope you understand. I need some space. It's not you, it's me. I'll call you after Valentines day.

Me : (I've just been Scrooge dumped!)

by Robyn Bankx December 14, 2010