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A non-gender specific term of affection, usually applied to a significant other i.e. girlfriend or boyfriend. Can also be applied to close friends.

"Hey Bu, I'm just killing to see you tonight."

by Robyn Saul January 21, 2004

269👍 138👎


1) A hobby in which players create or are given fictional characters to portray. There is usually a rule-system of some form, of which D&D is an example. In a group of players one (or sometimes more) persons will volunteer to be a Games Master - s/he will control all non-player characters, the environment the players interact in and arbitrate the rules.

2) A bedroom practise, in which partners dress up and pretend to be someone else for sexual satisfaction.

"My role-playing character is a barabarian warrior from the tundra!"
"Let's role-play, I want you in that school girl uniform again."

by Robyn Saul January 21, 2004

212👍 71👎