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Apple Jacks

Meaning there is no reason or justification for something; A substitute for saying "No Reason"; (Taken from the popular Apple Jacks cereal commercials, in which the characters couldn't give a reason for their liking of Apple Jacks cereal.)

"Why are there three lesbians and a republican in the living room?"
"Its Apple Jacks"

"Why are you still here?"
"'Cause I am"
"Don't Apple Jacks me!"

by Rodger Aiken March 11, 2005

41👍 22👎


A mean and/or rude homosexual (i.e. A NASTY FRUIT). A combination of the words "apricot" and "cunt".

A woman at a gay rights festival spills wine on another woman's dress because she thought that she was looking at her girl. The stained woman yells at her "You f**kin Apricunt".

by Rodger Aiken April 7, 2005

14👍 13👎


(LAIN) Lain Area Information Network; the predecessor to the the acronym (LAN) Local Area Information Network.

I'm not connected to the internet directly, I'm connected through our LAIN

by Rodger Aiken November 3, 2004

13👍 33👎