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I’ve Struck Oil!

I’ve Struck Oil! When a man and a woman are engaged in a reverse 69, where the man is on top, he thrusts his cock so far into the females mouth that it goes through the back of her throat. As the blood fills in her mouth, the thrusting cock will cause it to erupt up the shaft and out of the woman’s mouth, similar to when oil bursts from an oil drill. Upon the blood erupting the man yells “I’ve struck oil!”.

Lenny: Dude I need to tell you something

Tim: what’s up
Lenny: I was reverse 69ing Becky the other night and I killed her.

Tim: excuse me?
Lenny: I slammed my Johnson so far down her throat that it stalled out of the back of her neck.
Tim: what! What did you do?
Lenny: bro I yelled “I’ve struck oil!”
Tim: right on! Wanna get some pancakes?

by Ronald McDickfart April 2, 2023

4👍 1👎

Nasty Nestor

When two men have to take a shit at the same time and there is only one toilet available. The first man will sit on the toilet like a normal person, the second person will sit on top of the first person, facing them, they will place their asshole above the small open space between the first persons penis and the inner edge of the toilet seat. Giving both men an open airway to the water in the toilet.

Matt and Chris had to pull a Nasty Nestor because there was only one toilet available,

by Ronald McDickfart July 1, 2022

3👍 3👎

Nasty Nestor

When two men are taking a shit in the same toilet at the same time. The first man will sit on the toilet normally. The second man will sit on the first man’s lap. Straddling him, sitting face to face, so that he is able to poop in the small area i between the first man’s penis and the edge of the toilet seat. This can be a tricky maneuver but if accomplished can help save water due to less flushing.

Dan, other Dan and myself were on our way to Erie, we had to pull over at the rest stop to go to the bathroom. There was only one open stall so the Dans had to do a Nasty Nestor as we were short on time.

by Ronald McDickfart May 29, 2022

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