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To throw or otherwise propel an object at alarming speed to the satisfaction of you and any bystanders. Usually followed by you yelling “YEET”.

Can also be used instead of yurt in a sentence. Irish slang.

“Yeet!” Thomas yelled, as he yeeted the ball into the field.

by RoryRPM January 10, 2021

Yurty father

Same as yurt but with more enthusiasm. To agree with something someone says very enthusiastically.

Person: I got with that girl last night.
You: Yurty father, thank god I saw it coming.

by RoryRPM April 21, 2023

Much of a muchness

Very similar

Do you like oranges or tangerines?

It’s much of a muchness I don’t mind.

by RoryRPM May 26, 2020

12👍 4👎


Basic Irish Bitches, used to describe an Irish girl in a night club who is so basic and dresses like every other girl.

The girls in this clubs are such Bibs

by RoryRPM October 11, 2023