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input hoe

Input hoe (noun): someone who offers unsolicited opinions and may be ignorant of a particular context or willfully attempting to distort it for purposes of self-aggrandizement or to assert personal relevance. An input hoe might observe someone defending herself (for example from racist attacks or slander) and assert an opinion that the person who is defending herself is being extra, thereby deflecting attention away from context. An input hoe may be desperate for attention and chiming into a conversation she suspects might garner attention. She may also have a vested interest in distorting a situation, such as in cases where the input hoe's unsolicited comments attempt to cover up harm or wrongdoing or cast aspersions on a justifiably aggrieved party.

Synonyms: Busybody, scandalmonger, fussbudget, intermeddler, buttinsky, etc.

Possible Antonym: Output hoe

Origin and Etymology: Input in this case means opinion, advice, comment, two cents, etc. For example, "she gave her unsolicited input and was asked to mind her own business." Hoe, a colloquial that was originally a shortened form of whore (or "prostitution whoreses"), has expanded in meaning to reference a femme, woman, drag queen, sister, judy, etc. while retaining some of the original pejorative meaning to varying degrees depending on context. The term "input hoe" was coined in 2017 by Tyra Sanchez, the winner of Season 2 of RuPaul's Drag Race and icon of Black Girl Magic.

Tyra endured a hell of a lot of abuse and b.s. before she finally started standing up for herself. I'm sick and tired of those input hoes feeding into systemic oppression cuz they know some people will lap that shit up when they go in on Tyra.

by Rosa BuxomburgRosa September 26, 2017

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