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Dylan isn't like most guys. At first he might seem normal but really he is the most amazing person in the world. Dylan is super nice, funny, crazy, outgoing and super sexy. He is very tall and he has long wild hair. He has an amazing sense of humor and will always find a way to fix a bad day. Once you meet him your life will change forever. If you are lucky enough to date a Dylan, never let him go. Trust me, I used to date a Dylan and he was the most amazing thing in my life, I made the mistake of letting him go and now I regret it so much. Take it from me, never make the mistake I did and always hold him in your heart, you won't regret it.

I'm dating Dylan now and he is the light of my life, I will never let him go.

by Rosette.sillygirl March 7, 2018

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