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A complete waste of skin, young, dumb, and full of come suburaban white kid nigger wannabe. They worship niggers and want to become one.

Look at that wigger over there grabbing at his ball sac and wearing his cap sideways. Let's go and bitch-slap him."

by Running Out of Patience July 19, 2008

1193πŸ‘ 335πŸ‘Ž


When a person makes a pouting face that resembles a fishes face. Also someone who is upset is "guppying".

"I can't believe that pookie. She has been such a guppy all week."

by Running Out of Patience March 13, 2008

643πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž


Birthers are criminally insane, low-IQ conservative religious fanatic, wide stanced, knuckle dragging morons who believe that Obama's parents knew he would be president when he was born and had a fake birth certificate made up indicating he was born in the U.S.

Glug...glug...yuk...yep, i reckon that filthy neeger was born in Kenya and his salt and pepper folks knew he was da anti-christ way ahead of time. Hey! Who are ya callin' birthers?

by Running Out of Patience October 6, 2009

1873πŸ‘ 766πŸ‘Ž

iowa girls

These tend to be enormous cows with great big hineys. They start to blimp out shortly after they reach puberty. They tend to grow up on pig farms and take french showers regularly.

"What is the difference between iowa girls and a basketball? If you absolutely have to, you can eat a basketball."

"What is the difference between an iowa girl and a catfish? One has whiskers and smells like a fish. The other one IS a fish."

by Running Out of Patience April 12, 2008

590πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž

French shower

This is what slobby meth whores and the like do before they go on a date. They may not have access to running water, or they are just plain lazy and they spray cheap perfume on their sweaty, gamey smelling bodies in lieu of a shower. Daughters and wives of pig farmers are well known for this behavior before they go on a date with pickup driving rednecks. Their pussieshave a horrendous odor reminiscent of rotting rough fish on the river bank.

I thought Donna was taking a shower first. I mean, after slopping those sows all day. The smell of cheap perfume could have gagged a maggot. When I smelled her gizmo my supper came up. She only took a french shower.

by Running Out of Patience March 27, 2009

672πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

face pica

When a girl substitutes fellatio for coitus, it is sometimes called "getting some face pica."

I was disappointed when Cindy wouldn't bang me, until she gave me some expert face pica. Now I'm good to go.

by Running Out of Patience January 31, 2009

562πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

mink guarding

When wimpy pencil-dicked possessive mama's boy types cling to their girlfriend in public, eyes always looking around, holding hands, grabbing ass, any way to let everyone know his woman is "taken." Really a turnoff to women and makes guys like me laugh behind their backs.

Look at that dweeb over there mink guarding that chick. She is going to run from him really soon.

by Running Out of Patience May 8, 2009

516πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž