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He is the guy you know, with his head so far up his own ass that he has a pretty good view of the earth and all it's satelites.

Hey Neil,that Asstronaught over there reckons he can kick your ass!

Neil: Scew that man, lets kick HIS ass first...!

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

7👍 7👎

meat eating orchid

Invented by Kurdt Cobain when describing the Vagina- see {heart shaped box}

No wonder chicks are so pissed off all of the time, you would be too if you had someone putting the meat injection in your meat eating orchid all the time.

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

30👍 16👎


An acronym that best defines the (proffesional time wasters)
in all their glory. The word acts as a label used in retail to describe the fuckers that ask for a 3 page quote, but never return to buy.

Ryan :Hey Neil, don't waste your time on that Fuck-head he's a total P.T.W !

Neil :Thanks for the heads up man, i almost quoted him !

Ryan: That's what friends are for, dude!

Neil: should we kick his ass...?

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

14👍 21👎

cock spanner

A person that uses their genitals as a source of income!
The bread winner of the house (also a porn star) is known as a cock-spanner!

That Ron Jeremy (the famous pornstar) is a real Cock spanner!!

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

8👍 6👎

Defunk deligate

The Defunk deligate is usually found in the work place posing as aupper management. At first he comes across as your best friend whom is there to Help and offers his assistance at every turn, But when it's time to deligate, he is suddenly lost for answers and "missing" at the most crucial times. He is also the king of "passing the Buck."

Hey Neil, have you seen Jimmy our Defunk deligate? He promised to help free this uncomfortable pain, right here in my ass...called an affirmitive shopper!

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

5👍 3👎


The remains of a once great country after having it's ass raped by an : insane, fascist, land grabing, homicidal dictator. We're not mentioning any names...

Hey Neil, Have you noticed what a bunch of Mugarbage Zimbabwe has become since that :ass sniffin, dick lickin, anal bleacher "ROBERT MUGABE" Fucked it up !

Neil: How could i not, it was my dick he's been lickin!!

by Ryan Neil September 8, 2006

37👍 10👎

stool mouth

When a person has too much to say but all ends up sounding like SHIT !

Shut that stool mouth, you aint got nothin' to say but SHIT all the time!!

by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006

3👍 5👎