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Seriously Dirty Dave


The act or art of treating the body by massaging to stimulate circulation, relieve tension, and ultimately be seduced into sexual relief by Orgasm.


¹ The action Puting all jokes aside, a Seriously Dirty Dave is the process of turning an innocent non erotic massage into an over the top sexual escapade. Where at least for the Masseuse it's a happy ending.

² Art Form of manipulating, manuvering, or skilfully handling a womans body, molding her from a non sexual mental state into a post orgasmic physical being.


The act in which the "Masseuse" uses his hands to turn an uptight, frigid, or prude Catappiler into a sexually free Butterfly

Joeys mom has been in pain and celibate for years since hurting her back, but yesterday miraculously in 30 mins she was Seiously Dirty Dave'd by her Masseuse and has never been happier.

You can get Dirty Dave'd by someone and end up being disgusted or embarrassed but if your "Seriously Dirty Dave'd" not only would everybody understand, they would be jealous that you were lucky enough to have your life

and body adjusted in such a positive manner.

by SERIOUSLY DIRTY September 13, 2022

stiffy tiffy

From the name Tiffany which is the perfect blonde woman. So beautiful and sexy that being around her is so arousing that men always have a stiffy when they are near her. She not only effects men's porn search history. She causes delays in their day after she leaves because masterbation is almost always a must

I was busy but got nothing done because Stiffy Tiffy said hello. So I fapped the rest of the work day.

by SERIOUSLY DIRTY September 12, 2022

The Randallizer


A Love Crook, A Female that steals your heart with a kiss right under your nose.


¹ The ability to say and do anything in a relationship while disabling the male into submission and passively standing by while she diminishes his money and drugs usually with another man.

² manipulating a date during a mountain camping adventure into tresspassing and skinny dipping in resort hottubs. Usually requesting massage for her own pleasure but before sexual activity commences she runs off to another man in the city and there's nothing you can do.

A combination of the words Vandalised and Ran Through


¹ Generational shop lifting skills, and the ability to remove anything from the store she can lay her hands on.

²Her ability to not be spotted stealing because her beautiful giant boobs blind or debilitate loss prevention or boyfriends rational thinking and defences

I was tryin to get laid with my drug money but I fell asleep too early and the Randallizer took me for everything

by SERIOUSLY DIRTY September 15, 2022