Source Code


Plural for Smeghead

Derived from Smeg

See also Boy Racers

What a bunch of Smegheads

by SNAKE August 16, 2004

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


One who wears khakis and puts ladies up on glass at football stadiums.

He wears khakis everyday and hooks up with a drunk girl in front of thousands of people...it's Muthagoose!

by SNAKE December 1, 2003

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Metal Gear

A bipedal tank, capable of launching nuclear missles from anywhere on the face of the planet. Its earliest incarnation was the Shagohod, a tank which, using rocket boosters and about 3 miles of runway, was designed to launch ICBMs. This was destroyed in 1964 during Operation Snake Eater. Metal Gear as we know it today surfaced in 1995 in Outer Heaven, ironically in use by the man who destroyed its earlier model, Big Boss. After being destroyed, another Metal Gear appeared in Zanzibar land. After Solid Snake destroyed it and killed his father, he retired, until 6 years later, the US government decided to build their own model, REX. Liquid Snake and the rest of FOXHOUND took control of the Shadow Moses facility until Solid Snake destroyed it. After that, various models began turning up around the world.

Metal Gear! It can't be!

by SNAKE March 15, 2005

199πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A carbonated drink that is popular with primary school kids who don't know any better. Possibly the best toilet bleach/silver cleaner/nail dissolver ever invented.

"Toilet's blocked"
"Hang on. I'll get the Coke"

by SNAKE August 6, 2005

38πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Fighting Fuel

A nickname for Stella Artois. Its origins come from British drinking culture. Copious consumption of Stella will make someone more violent than if they were drinking any other brand of lager.

Murphy drank some Fighting Fuel. Now he is barred from every pub in town.

by SNAKE December 11, 2005

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

red bull

Energy drink that tastes like cheap cough medicine. Pretty much ineffective on its own.

However, when mixed with alcohol (Usually Vodka, but I prefer it with Jack Daniels), it really perks you up during a heavy drinking session.

I'll have a Jack Daniels and Red Bull.

(Goes mental)

by SNAKE August 24, 2005

87πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is good, genuine, nice, etc. See also Sound

That girl bought me a double Aftershock. She's A1.

by SNAKE March 25, 2006

1354πŸ‘ 777πŸ‘Ž