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1) A large gun used to blow things up.

2) A rather potent cocktail-shot consisting of Sambuca and Rum.

1) Shit! They're shooting at us with Howitzers!

2) I'm going to the bar for a Howitzer.

by SNAKE July 18, 2004

59πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

green beret

1) U.S. Army Special forces.

2) The best character from the Commandos series.

1) And in other news, U.S. army Green Berets killed 14 Iraqi civilians in an attack today.....

2) This group of soldiers has been isolated from their unit. Let's see if we can offer them a hand.....or a knife.

by SNAKE March 7, 2005

47πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž


The greatest lager on the market. Premium strength (Above 5%).

You can stick your Dutch Gold. I got Erdinger

by SNAKE January 19, 2005

39πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

George W Bush

A man whose idea of freeing people is to blow them up. Since coming to power he has managed to invade 2 countries for pure profit. Before September 11th, spent 46% of his time on holiday. America would be better off with a monkey in charge.

Today President Bush said he was going to devaluate the Yen, causing a stock market panic. Apparently he meant deflate.

by SNAKE May 9, 2005

777πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž

Going for a McShit

When you go into McDonalds for the sole purpose of using the bathroom.

Please note: If challenged by the spotty staff member, then your declaration that you will buy food afterwards is a McShit with Lies

I'm going for a McShit

by SNAKE July 9, 2004

71πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Best brand of crisps ever. Synonymous with crisps in Ireland. The inventors of Cheese and Onion in 1954, has been ripped off by every English crisp company, but never equalled. Excellent for a hangover when combined with a bottle of Lucozade.

Give us a bag of Taytos, bud.

by SNAKE May 9, 2005

76πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

free clothes association

General civilian slang for the Irish Army reserves, the FCA. Comes from the fact that a uniform is issued to all who join. See also Fools Carrying Arms and Sandbag.

You're joining the free clothes association!

by SNAKE January 26, 2006

30πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž