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Video gaymer

Anyone who prioritizes video games over real life. One who will turn down sex for gaming and usually has more online gaming friends than real friends.

Bob is such a video gaymer he only leaves his house for lubricant and gaming accessories.

He is such a video gaymer, he still lives with his mom. Maybe if a game comes out that requires a sexual interface he will finally get lucky.

by Saltine Nachos January 31, 2010

31πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Shoulder Sitter

Someone who has their head so far up their ass they are sitting on their own shoulders.

My boss is such a shoulder sitter, I wonder how he can see his computer screen with his big fat head lodged in is anus.

by Saltine Nachos February 21, 2009

48πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Uncle B.J.

A suitable alternative for sex while your girlfriend/wife is menstruating also known as a blow job. More specifically as a counter to a woman who uses her period (Aunt Flo)as an excuse to avoid sex.

"I don't care if Aunt Flo is in town as long as she brought Uncle B.J."

by Saltine Nachos February 21, 2009

60πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


The time of day between afternoon and evening.

I didn't eat enough this afternevening, do you want to get some food?

by Saltine Nachos October 19, 2017


An acronym for the worthless offspring of my boss.

Damn. My boss's kid is such a W.O.O.M.B. He would be unemployable anywhere else. If I wanted to work with an asshole I would have been a proctologist.

by Saltine Nachos February 21, 2009

42πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When a person is moisturizing with no premeditated intent for self pleasure, but then realizes they are naked, alone, and have a lubricant.

After a brisk walk my inner thigh was slightly chaffed so I grabbed the lotion and before I knew it I was Moisturebating.

by Saltine Nachos February 21, 2009

79πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Saltine Nachos

Someone of white and hispanic descent. Not quite a beaner, but not a quite cracker. These people usually have hybrid vigor and are highly intelligent, but are also hard workers. They are known to have rhythm, a great sense of humor and a way with the opposite sex. They possess the best of both worlds.

Damn! did you see that cracker hurdle that fence?

Dude that's no cracker that guy is Saltine Nachos, fence jumping is in his blood.

by Saltine Nachos February 2, 2010

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž