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Post-trad describes a person who couldn't take the heat. Since their mothers fed them exclusively soy milk as children, their based levels are unable to be seen with the naked eye as they are nearly non existent.

Post-trads are very concerned with how they are perceived. They adhere to liturgical indifference, some times claiming "I know the Latin Mass is better but trads mean". The often walk what they pretend is a middle ground and play the centrist card frequently, though in debates they will inevitably side with the leftcaths.

Post-trads are the first in line to take any vaccine, and always wear their masks. Post-trads are well known for their desire to simply "OBEY".

Tony thinks the Latin Mass is cool but the trads are mean, so he goes to his local Bogus Ordo to support his local parish. Tony lives with his mom. Tony is a post-trad.

by Sam Rocha January 13, 2021

26👍 24👎

Bogus Ordo

Term describing the post-Conciliar Mass of Pope Paul VI. Used ironically by Bogus Ordo attendees and unironically by trads, the word arouses two basic responses: intense rage or bitter laughter.

Bogus Ordoism is the practice of vehemently defending the Bogus Ordo liturgy, or taking part in the culture surrounding the New Evangelization, specifically trying to make people feel good (unless they have an affinity for Traditional liturgy). Bogus Ordites believe that Abp. Lefebvre was an evil man, and the practice of Bogus Ordoism requires daily rituals including lighting candles at the home altars of Marciel Maciel, John Paul the Great, and Dorothy Day.

1: Bro I love my local Bogus Ordo parish! Haha watch me hold hands with the cohabitating couple during the Our Father to "own" the trads!

2: I would never bring my children to the Bogus Ordo. I only ever want them to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the saints did, during the Mass of the Ages. I'm not sure why Bogus Ordites are so afraid of Latin, though!

by Sam Rocha January 13, 2021

22👍 8👎