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The only fucking word that can be put everyfuckingwhere and still fucking make fucking sense.


by Sassy Sasha February 15, 2018

28271👍 1633👎

profanity soup

A song that contains a lot of curse words, usually a rap song

John: Hey, Jack, have you listened to "Mo Bamba" by Sheck Wes?
Jack: No way, dude, that's profanity soup.

by Sassy Sasha November 20, 2018

71👍 8👎

fruit spread

Really good music, is a synonym for jam, since jam is fruit spread

"This song is my jam! Listen to that fruit spread!"

by Sassy Sasha December 16, 2018

60👍 11👎


a crazy and really annoying person

Person 1: "Ugh, the bus driver just yelled at me for no reason!"
Person 2: "Oh, what a coconutter!"

by Sassy Sasha January 12, 2018

63👍 5👎