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Paloma is an artistic, smart, independent girl that is also extremely artsy. She loves photography, and always has her old film camera around her neck outside of school. She loves to paint, draw, and write poems. She has great fashion sense and is literally one of the only people in the universe who can rock cut off overalls. She has beautiful green eyes, blond or brown hair. She also plays several sports and loves to swim. She is extremely self doubting and insecure, so if you find a Paloma make her feel welcome. If hurt, she will ignore the person who caused this until she can't go on any longer and blow up at them. She holds her friends very close, and if any of them are hurt, she will do the same. She has mood swings, one second she is happy, the other she is furious with herself. Paloma's typically has a great sense of humor, and she also has a great body. She loves to go out doors, and savors adrenaline. She LOVES heights. At times she can be distant and space, and if that happens, that normally means she's either down on herself of something bad is happening outside (like at home) or inside school. She is literally the most beautiful person you will ever meet, and as the result, a lot of boys have crushes on her. She is a great friend, and you need to hold on to her

Wow... look at Paloma

by Save the turtles 123 October 21, 2017

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