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Derived from the latin saying 'Lateralus Smellson Dederatus' which roughly tanslates 'as your a stinky poo poo head'.

You just stuck your finger in the blender you Smellson!

by Scott Tufrey May 25, 2004

4👍 4👎


1. Someone who is attuned to eating or having sexual intercourse with the bowels of another animal/human

Your dad had a boweler with your pet pidgeon

by Scott Tufrey May 24, 2004

6👍 8👎

Choc Top

1. Somebody attuned to doing someone up the anus for sexual purposes

that guy's such a choctop cos he knocked that girl up the batty

by Scott Tufrey May 24, 2004

8👍 16👎