Source Code

Magic Johnson's Johnson Gambit

The well-known and liberally discussed philisophical debate on whether or not it would be worth one billion dollars to suck on Magic Johnson's HIV infected cock until completion on live television.

It is generally acknowledged that, of the two camps, those of the opinion that it is worth the one billion dollars are not affected by further augmentations to the wager for the sake of humiliation (for example, ass to mouth, or ass to goat to mouth, or ass to goat to contestant's mom, to mouth, etc...)

Alex said he'd take the Magic Johnson's Johnson Gambit, cure aids, execute anyone who's ever seen the video, and cackle with maniacal cachinations as he fucked Natalie Portman nightly in his custom sex dungeon, the likes of which Gary Gygax has never seen.

Still, everyone would.. know...

by Scottee Mac November 23, 2010

580👍 95👎


something that gets past autocorrect so then becomes a word meaning whatever the fuck the original was supposed to mean

(this guy's is the ridwat mother fucker I've ever met.)

the fuck does ridwat mean?

it means rudest you ridwat motherfucker.


by Scottee Mac June 15, 2022

tip atonement

The superficial, overgratuitous, and "too little too late" speech that comes at the end of a poorly serviced restaurant meal from a neglegent waitress in the hopes that she might still get a tip.

Waitress: "why THANK you SO MUCH for honoring us with your visit tonight!! Is there ANYTHING else I can get for you? ANYTHING at all? Do you just want a bill? I've got it right here. Thank you SO MUCH!"

Customer: "Um, how about the two cokes we asked for a half an hour ago while you were in the back picking your nose? God you're a stupid bitch. I'm not giving you a tip for that shitty tip atonement."

by Scottee Mac January 8, 2006

15👍 4👎

stale muffin

to have anal sex with your girlfriend's dead mom

Cop: yo, what the fuck you in for
Inmate Pratt: i stale muffin'd yo mom
Cop: Um, what?
Inmate Pratt: ...
Cop: Yeah, clean up in cell block D.

by Scottee Mac September 20, 2007

15👍 6👎


A bonanza of idiocy and stupidity with participants all trying to surpass each other in exploits of mental deficiency, usually with no end in sight.

I tried to get my carpet installed from Home Depot and they mismeasured, re-mismeasured, stalled for two months, brought the wrong padding, made zig-zagging and intersecting seamlines, and fucked up the quote. It was a total retardathon.

by Scottee Mac August 26, 2005

41👍 7👎


An annoyance of a person seeking or begging for something for which, it can be universally determined, he should not have.

I just paid $15 on Bourbon Street for a six pack of beer and some fuckdiggler walks up to me and asks for one.

by Scottee Mac May 26, 2005

32👍 3👎


performing a rimjob (the star being the little brown round winking at you)

the only uniform resume requirement for all customer service positions at bestbuy.

hey homo, quit your starlicking and put this worthless POS dvd player into permanent irretrievable orbit and gimme my god damn money back.

by Scottee Mac September 19, 2005

9👍 4👎