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Seco Bad

Someone named Seco who is bad

ME : hEY, sECO bAD
Seco: No

by Seco Bad February 6, 2021

3👍 1👎


Discrimination or discriminatory assumptions against another human being due to ones skin color or race. Racism comes in many different forms. It could be racism systematically put in place by the law to keep another race down. It can also be simply treating someone poorly because of their skin color.

Racism happens to ALL races, ethnicities, and skin colors.

Racist: You can't be racist towards white people.
Normal Person: Dude thats some blatant racism

Racist: Let's not eat at this Chinese restaurant, I don't want to get covid.
Normal Person: Chill out with the racism, wtf?

by Seco Bad April 19, 2021

2👍 5👎