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So called scientist whose main goal is to lie and deceive the people with false and fabricated reports/studies in order to push a sinister/nefarious agenda on the population usually by the backing/funding of certain shadowy but undisclosed groups or organization.

Many Lientist have influenced the purchase and consumption of cancer causing foods as against natural and healthy local foods.

These Lientists have no sense of moral obligation to do what is right.

Are you a Scientist or a Lientist?

by Seven Spirits July 11, 2023


An individual who switches appearance, orientation or gender for the aim of enjoying the privileges of their new form without bearing the responsibilities of their new form.

An individual who switches their physical form whenever the situation is suitable.

When the Decepticon was caught in the girls bathroom, he quickly identified as a girl

it is a well known facts that many men in the past became Decepticons to avoid being drafted into the war.

There are many Decepticons dominating the women's Sports league

by Seven Spirits July 15, 2023

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The act of breaking up with someone quickly

I am so hurt, we just started dating last week, he must have gotten what he wanted because he served me breakfast this morning.

by Seven Spirits July 15, 2023

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A massively publicized or accepted information that appears empowering and for your best interest but is really intended for your long-term harm, loss or destruction.

A well Known Deceptivecon is Lientists telling the public that consuming petroleum made pharmaceuticals are more healthier than consuming natural occurring herbs.

by Seven Spirits July 15, 2023