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music industry

Corrupt group of dumbshits that pander to the lowest common denominator. The reason that shit bands can make loads of money.

(Guy): Because the music industry is a piece of shit, you fucking cunt.

by Shadow Creator December 11, 2007

180πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

suspension of disbelief

A term used that is usually used in the context of entertainment, which can include reading, video games, television, and films. It refers to the reader/watcher's ability or desire (or both) to ignore, distort or underplay realism in order to feel more involved with the game, film, or book. This is a very common practice in many action movies, some books, but probably the most in video games. It is usually permitted and ignored because most people don't care about realism in their entertainment. It's also much more difficult to program a realistic game with highly realistic damage scales, movement, targeting, and more. Some games which are meant to be silly (grand theft auto) don't require much of this, because the entire atmosphere revolves around the less-than-serious style. However, some others attempt to be serious but fail to relay such. This still does not ruin the feel for most, though.

Some people have poor suspension of disbelief, or just don't prefer to use it. These people usually don't care for casual 'shoot em up' games unless there is a huge element of humor and stupidity that is integral to the game itself. They are sometimes perceived as tight asses, but in reality, they just prefer to keep their unrealistic games silly and stupid.

Sometimes, fan boys will take their suspension of disbelief too far and proclaim blatantly unrealistic things to be realistic in an effort to validate the game against 'invaders' who simply assert the truth.


Live Free Die Hard - Stunts are too extreme for average cop, certainly a good movie, but the theme could have been portrayed in a much better way if done more realistically.

Resident Evil 4: Ability to dodge lasers, but not clumsy villagers. Headshots do not decapitate or kill, but neck breaks kill. Metal masks deflect bullets. Story of 'alien virus' does not nearly reconcile with these shortfalls and main character is unable to walk and shoot at the same time despite having supposed secret agent type reflexes.

Halo: Using assault rifles, pistols, and Jeeps in ad 2550 despite extreme advances in space travel. Highways, buildings, and tech that look identical to C. 2025

Starcraft: Organic creatures that can somehow tear through inches of armor and resist hypervelocity bullets and bombs. Missiles that can tear apart advanced alien buildings.

Starcraft is fun as an RTS, but it is simply difficult for some to get involved in the story because of these shortfalls in realism.

Halo and Resident Evil 4 are fun shoot em up games with the former having a more realistic damage scale, but both try to be too serious for the lack of realism. However, with suspension of disbelief, most people are okay with all of this.

by Shadow Creator October 11, 2007

75πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A profession that is seemingly obsessed with enforcing the status quo. Genuine emotional understanding, empathy, and deep interactions have been replaced by some supposedly 'objective science'; a mere attempt to ignore the talent that some have with relating to others and medicalize emotions. Whether a person has a 'disorder' or 'disease' is not determined by whether someone has a visible ailment that has a specific biological cause, but by a system of observed behaviors that can wildly vary from psychiatrist to psychiatrist.

Many people trust the field of psychiatry simply because it involves 'doctors'. People in modern society have been taught to believe anything that the man in the white lab coat says, regardless of whether he or she is actually a doctor.

Psychiatry is also involved in 'prescribing' huge quantities of often dangerous drugs; though for some they do blunt or alleviate symptoms (about as good as alcohol), many experience 'positive effects' only in the vein of placebo, or experience only negative effects. This, however, does not mean that the drugs actually CURE anything. Psychiatric drugs are supposed to work by 'building up in your bloodstream', which is a way to convince 'patients' that they are receiving legitimate treatment, and is nothing short of a complete lie. Most of this happens because of pharmaceutical company involvement. Most 'research' is horribly skewed to promote the companies' drugs, as the variables are EXTREMELY subjective, i.e. a 'rating' scale for 'depression'.

All in all, most psychiatrists are not 'evil', just controlled by a few money obsessed individuals who would rather enforce the status quo; hence blind leading the blind. Some psychiatrists do desire to change the field, but have a hard time getting through the system if they don't shut up and try to think for themselves. Many 'professionals' in the field are arrogant because they have been taught to believe that they can understand others well by essentially wasting time learning utter nonsense in 'university'. There has never been proof of mental disorders originating from 'biochemical factors' or any 'genetic chemical imbalance', but psychiatry dangerously takes the technical reality that biochemical/genetic factors are involved in everything in our lives and takes the huge logical leap to the idea that we end up miserable BECAUSE something goes 'wrong' in the brain. The reality is the opposite. The brain adjusts to negative circumstances just as it does to positive, and a change of circumstances coupled with emotional healing will always be more effective than any kind of psychiatry/placebo effect. People just don't have the patience, and those at the top are not willing to admit that the cause of all this suffering is a poor status quo combined with rigid enforcement of such 'norms', and materialism gone rampant.

Critics of psychiatry are sometimes intelligent, but sometimes include idiots like Tom Cruise. Avoid them at all costs. Unfortunately, people like him have given anti-psychiatry a bad name, even if his basic premise may have some merit.

Indeed, I HAVE had a 'major mental disorder', and the 'medications' me on did nothing but mess my life up worse. With a change of attitude (which demonstrates the reality that a person in extreme distress can change if they are given even a bit of hope), I pulled myself out of extreme, chronic depression that most psychiatrists would have insisted was a 'chemical imbalance'. Healing from emotional stress is a long and arduous process which requires relation and collaboration with emotionally intelligent and wise individuals, not popping pills. Psychiatry is little more than an attempt to make money which exploits others' arrogance.

by Shadow Creator August 31, 2007

411πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


1. A fucking retarded name for ones partner.
2. A word used to scare someone.
3. A word commonly hollered at 50 cent, MCR, FOB, Nickelback, and P!ATD concerts.

1. (guy) hey wuzzup mah boo, u checkin it out to feel reel gud
(girl) shut the fuck up dumbass you sound like an idiot

2. (guy 1) BOO!
(Announcer) And now, our final act, panic! at the disco!

by Shadow Creator December 11, 2007

104πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


An uninspired first person shooter that is somewhat fun in multiplayer. Contains weapons that are at least 500 years outdated, cheesy aliens, and a somewhat boring storyline.

Halo is an okay boredom killer, but is not an intelligent or particularly interesting game

by Shadow Creator September 8, 2007

58πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

good business

Any type of conduct or policy that improves a company's profits, either through reputation or simply through finances. Can in some cases be beneficial if people are watchful of said company, but more often than not, people are not. Thus, with big companies that have loads of power, influence, and money lying around, they use it in not so nice ways to maximize their revenue. Simply put; if your first order of 'business' is to make money, and you have the means to influence the government, the media, and even your own 'studies', would you do so? Of course you would. Well, at least most would. The major corporations of the US and the world have a monopoly on qualification and misinformation, allowing them to 'purify' their ranks into an increasingly self-serving elite with no danger from outsiders. Those with opposing agendas are systematically crushed through manipulation of financial necessities, or likely in far darker ways when the need becomes dire.

It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just good business!

by Shadow Creator December 6, 2007

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The process of wasting time with another one is infatuated or sexually attracted to, usually of the opposite sex. Most of the time, this takes the form of typical 'small talk', boring activities such as going out to dinner or to the movies, et cetera. This is usually to distract each other from the reality that they have nothing on their own, though usually women are more oblivious to this due to cultural norms. In real relationships, this can just be a form of killing time, because it's not really needed for any meaningful interaction. Typically, this lack of deeper bond is the reason why relationships split up, but the distractions keep it going for awhile so it's a big painful shitstorm when one or both parties realizes that fairyland is a fake place and that you have to WORK for a REAL relationship.

Most 'dating' is highly predictable and a complete waste of time.

by Shadow Creator December 30, 2008

466πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž