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Cradle of Filth

A decent gothic/extreme metal band from England. Though talented in their own right, the band is almost ruined by their 15 year old hot topic fans. These idiots generally know nothing about metal and think Cradle is black metal because they said "Satan" and "Hell" in one of their songs. Cradle isn't black metal for the record, and the band actually rejects the term.

Stereotypical Cradle of Filth Fan: OMG! Dani Filth is the greatest writer and musician of all time! There is no better band in the world! They are so BLACK METAL, they make that guy from Norway look like a homo! And he's sooooo hot!! Every line he writes is soo deep, I wish he wasn't married and I'm a dude!
Non-retarded person: ... *slap*

by Shadow Prometheus January 23, 2009

17👍 7👎