Source Code

20 Sack

A $20 worth amount of weed

Im gettin' a 20 sack today...

by Shana Morro March 26, 2003

379👍 76👎

Butt Pirates

People who take it up the ass

Damn, look at that Butt Pirate over there!
He So looks like he could be a Butt Pirate!

by Shana Morro March 26, 2003

528👍 258👎


Fuckin' dumbass, short for retard. Usualy used to describe something stupid someone did

She fell ove ra cow and broke her leg, what a fuckin' tard

by Shana Morro March 26, 2003

22👍 13👎


drunk off ur ass

Dude, he's way hammered

by Shana Morro March 26, 2003

334👍 194👎