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a breed of indians who go into drug stores such as CVS pharmacy and use massive amounts of coupons (usually so they end up paying a little less than eleven cents for 44 items) only to have 20 extra bucks print out for their next purchase

and then they come back into stores later that evening with their husbands to do the same thing under his store card

and then they go home and rejoice to their savings (times two)

guju: how much was the liquor u bought for me?

punjabi friend: it was like 42 bucks (estimates it, not really caring for every penny)

guju: it couldnt be! my dad owns a liquor shop! im not paying that much.

punjabi friend: *feels uneasy* ok... why didnt u get ur liquor from there?

moral of the story: dont befriend gujus

by Sherni ox August 11, 2007

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