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Hot cheeto

A hot Cheeto is what you call the process of burning Fortnite players on a cross and summoning a god that will end their lives- Shtir0ast

Person 1: wanna play Fortnite?
Person 2: I will hot Cheeto you right now

by Shtir0ast August 13, 2019

2👍 2👎


A Jonke is when someone says something funny

Person 1: hey mom wanna hear a funny Jonke?
Person 2: son you have to let us go, the house burning down wasn’t your fault

by Shtir0ast June 27, 2019

vic royale

The shit that you say when a Vic royale happens

Person 1: Vic royale, Obama rapped my cat
Person 2: John I want a divorce

by Shtir0ast June 11, 2019