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Fool with

Polite way of saying fuck with, usu. used by an elderly person

I’m not going to fool with it.

by SiL3Nt J September 16, 2023

There’s a key for every hole

Another way of saying , ‘There’s someone for everyone’; The key referring to the male genitalia and the hole referring to the female

‘Who the hell wants that?’

‘Well you know what they say, there’s a key for every hole… and some holes have a lot of keys.’

by SiL3Nt J September 11, 2023

1👍 1👎

Frosty Long John

A kind of doughnut, referred to in the Sinbad movie ‘First Kid.’; Another word for penis, esp. after orgasm

I told them to suck my frosty long john.

by SiL3Nt J September 9, 2023

Give my hat to

To show a great deal of respect for.

There aren’t a lot of people I give my hat to, but he was a great worker and really helped me out a lot.

by SiL3Nt J September 13, 2023

Hotness Scale

Thing that determines how hot a girl is using the numbers 1-10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.

Things that can earn her points:
- Being physically attractive
- Having a job
- Having a great personality
- Having little to no sex partners
- Thinking you’re sexy

Things that can lose her points:
- Being physically unattractive
- Not having a job
- Having a bad attitude

- Having lots of sex partners

That girl looks okay, but she’s cool as shit. So that moves her up from being a 5, to about an 8 or a 9 on the hotness scale.

That girls is hot as fuck. But her problem is she knows it. So that moves her down from being a 10 to being maybe a 2 or a 3.

by SiL3Nt J September 21, 2023

Cum guzzling whores

Used to playfully express annoyance with slutty women, usually because of your failed attempts to have relationships with some of them

I’m bored. Wanna go to the college campus and meet some cum guzzling whores?

by SiL3Nt J September 19, 2023

Cum guzzling whores

Used to playfully express annoyance with slutty women, usually after being screwed over by a few that you actually cared about (before you knew any better)

I’m bored. Wanna go to the college campus and meet some cum guzzling whores?

by SiL3Nt J September 20, 2023