Source Code


A variation of snigglin

See snigglin

by Silly Whitey November 11, 2003


The official deity and religion of the Kraznan Empire. Created when "666" is added to "hell" on a calculator (1134 turned upside down). Still a more plausible creation then Christianity's, though.

And now, let us pray to the almighty Oobi. Oobi...Oobi...Oobi....

by Silly Whitey November 9, 2003

22πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


The furure world superpower. A massive, soon-to-be empire made up of Slovakia, Outer Mongolia, Mrs. Potocki's trailer, and other locales. Will form alliances with such obscure countries as Jamaica and Taiwan (which IS a country). Will have the greatest, yet most fucked-up military the world has ever seen, with Sniggle Troops, Wheelchair Troops, Jihad Troops, Penguin Luftwaffe, and others. Will be led by Emperor Dave, until we coup him. Fear our coming.

Kraznania will rule the world.

by Silly Whitey November 16, 2003

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The metaphorical hymen of the anus. Like the hymen, this is "broken" upon penetration to the aformentioned area, eliminating the subject's anal virginity.

So...is that behymen still intact?

by Silly Whitey November 9, 2003

474πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Wheelchair Troops

An essential aspect of the Kraznan military. The Kraznan equivalent of both Armored Vehicles and ATVs. Elite crippled soldiers riding in state-of-the-art, fucking insane wheelchairs. Have been known to float battle aboard Wheelchair Carriers.

What's that rumble I hear...? AHHHH!!!! KRAZNAN WHEELCHAIR TROOPS!!!!

by Silly Whitey November 16, 2003

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Kraznan Faction

A rogue group of insane teens that was formed to initiate the Kraznan revolution. A diverse group of semi- to highly- intelligent individuals that was created in Mrs. Potocki's US History class (2002-2003). Will eventually create the Empire of Kraznania.

Only one group could be responsible for this kind of destruction and chaos... the Kraznan Faction.

by Silly Whitey November 16, 2003

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Midget Brigade

A small part of the Kraznan armed forces, consisting of Jeffers and some other sort person, both of whom unwittingly members of this awesome force.

Is that the Wheelchair Troops? No its the Midget Brigade!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

by Silly Whitey November 30, 2004

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž