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12 Year old

A person who is 12 years old. Sometimes used as an insult on the internet by older people who were probably really stupid 12 year olds and figure that everyone else must of been as stupid and pansy-ish as they were when they were 12.

Guy 1: Well the earth isn't flat really as science clearly already proved its sphere shaped.
Guy 2: And you're just gonna follow anything that science says? You must be a 12 year old or just stupid in general.
Guy 1: --_--

by Sincerely Crazed September 16, 2019

97👍 16👎


Edgy: what people call you if you like different things then them and refuse to conform to their expectations of what you should be and decide to be who you want to be, and how you feel inside.

Brandon called Kyro edgy because Kyro wore all black clothes and spikes which made Brandon's ego shrink low enough to to call Kyro and edgy fag.

by Sincerely Crazed May 29, 2018

7👍 2👎