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Hoo hoo hotel

An inpatient short term or long term or residential mental health facility, such as and acute CSU, mental hospital, or a funny farm / insane asylum

That dude is so freaking insane! Somebody needs to slap a straight jacket on him and cart him off to the hoo hoo hotel!

by Sir Carlton March 2, 2019

Shit beast

Often a term for all dogs. There's a growing number of people who are fed up with dog culture and how society pushed these dangerous shit beasts onto people as something adorable or in any way desirable. Shit beast could also refer to any animal, usually large, that one finds offensive because the bigger the animal, the bigger the crap. So a horse may be considered by many a shit beast.

I hate dogs and horses. Them shit beasts make me sick. Yet people keep putting dogs in our faces trying to convince us that they're cute and loyal when nothing about them is desirable. A horse is another shit beast. Equine therapy is so oxymoronic. How can a shit beast be therapeutic?

by Sir Carlton May 21, 2024

Fish eyed fool

1972-1977 CBS. Catch phrase used by Aunt Esther directed at Fred Sanford in response to his insults, frequently referencing all that ugly on her face. She will exclaim, "Why ya ole fish eyed fool!". Whilst the fish eyed meaning may be obscure, though has been used in the 60's or earlier, it may be speculated that Esther was telling Fred why he don't look in the mirror.

Why ya ole fish eyed fool!

by Sir Carlton August 8, 2021

Stand back

A phrase used in the sense of "hold onto your hats" Inspired by the 1983 hit by Stevie Nicks, exclaiming stand back once or twice in a row is used to prepare somebody to be shown or told something amazing. The known origins of such use of the term are from around Richmond Virginia, by 80's heads who sought to help keep the 80's alive and well.

Oh my stars! That dude done yelled out "Stand back! Stand Back!" from the bedroom. Next thing he came out dressed like one of the break dancers from the video to that song! He is so retro!

by Sir Carlton March 15, 2019

3👍 2👎

Laurel Park

A tract housing estate in the Laurel region Northwestern Henrico County Virginia, part of the Richmond area. Many of the homes were built in the late 1950's during "white flight" into the suburbs, the oldest known houses built in 1957. There's one main floor plan of 3 bed ranchers, many have had extensions added. Another, a split level is found on Stockbridge Dr and Royerton Dr., also ca. 1957. There are additional ranchers, of another floor plan with dens, built ca. the late 1960's. Shecardee used to offer access to the adjacent Laurel Park Shopping Center, but that entry had potholes, was gated off but still allowing pedestrian access. Laurel Pine Dr was built later, presumably the early 1970's, withore choices of floor plans, with just a few ranchers. most of its houses are bi and tri levels. There were a few newer houses built on that street ca

2010's. Also a couple2010's two storey homes were built on Paragon Dr where used to be a pool. Many of the older homes began falling into disrepair at some point, but more recently, many formerly run down houses have been restored, so it's a very nice neighbourhood.
There were two clans in particular, who have had extended relatives in multiple houses. Both have a common descendant, Carlton Piercey b. 1983. Shaw-Piercey, maternal grandparents and extended relatives, and Whited, paternal grandparents and extended relatives. There are no more known members of either clan living there since 2019-2020.

I lived in Laurel Park. You know, Hungary and Woodman?

by Sir Carlton June 14, 2021


Plural of joist is joists. Due to the similarity with the mostly girls' given name, some people dumb it down, by humour or perhaps ignorance, and say joyce/joyces.

What size steel joyces I need for my floors and ceilings? I'm using steel and masonry to build my house?

by Sir Carlton June 8, 2023


A, second to none. In the US, 220 is thought of as high power, so something being called 220 means high test, quality, etc.
B, a 240 volt mains circuit. Early on in house wiring, 110 and 220 were often used. The US upgraded to a 120/240 standard, though still commonly referred to as 110 and 240 respectively. In Europe many times even recently the standard was 220 with many countries adopting a new 230 standard, so may be colloquially referred to as 220

Cool! That thing is 220!
I gotta run 220 for my EV cjarging socket

by Sir Carlton June 8, 2021