Source Code

Gilligan's Island

Any environment where no one is getting off.

The alley between 3rd and 4th street is no Gilligan's island.

by Sir H.C. Notneb March 25, 2023

becoming less closeted

Someone who is 'becoming less closeted' exhibits certain behaviors.

Although such a person is still closeted (by definition) any individual who is subject to such behavior can be reassured that their associate or peer is in fact ‘becoming less closeted’.

The most apparent circumstance wherein an absolute lack of irrefutability persists by accord to what is within association to an individual's will to ‘become less closeted’ takes place when a person who is ‘becoming less closeted’ engages another individual with a private message on any social networking site and then proceeds to block the recipient.

This is a sure sign that the sender is ‘becoming less closeted’.

Note: If the final message before the act of ‘blocking’ contains a ‘laugh cry emoji’ then there ought to be no uncertainty that the transmitter is doing their very best and putting forth their very best effort within a pursuit to ‘become less closeted’.

Hey, guess what? Walter Mercado slipped into my DM’s and then blocked me immediately afterward.

It appears he is ‘becoming less closeted’. Good for him.

I think I’ll screenshot his activities and post them in the group we share along with a definition of what it means to ‘become less closeted’.

by Sir H.C. Notneb April 14, 2023


When someone starts following you around on social media by friending the people that you are already friends with whom don't know about the disagreement with you and the other person. A good example of this is in the case of Donald Trump TWEETING that Barack Obama had 'wiretapped' him during the election.

By "wiretapping" - Trump was using an 'expression' that literally meant:

"he was into my business" or "he was reading my posts"

A good example would be if Trump were friends with Sheryl Crow on Facebook and then later Obama hits up Sheryl Crow with a friend request which she accepts and then Trump makes a comment on Sheryl's feed like,

"Hey, I heard that Lance lost his testicle. I'm sorry to hear that. I guess that he wasn't covered under Obamacare..."

Which Trump thinks is 'somewhat' of a 'private conversation' because Sheryl Crow's posts aren't usually public, but what he doesn't know is that Obama friended her once he found out that Trump and Crow had been 'sharing statuses' and so Obama is categorically "wiretapping".

That's a 'basic' explanation of what Trump meant when he said, "I just found out Obama was wiretapping me."

you better watch out nigg*r that fat bitch started wiretapping me once I stopped calling her back

by Sir H.C. Notneb March 17, 2017

6👍 2👎



A way of expressing something is 'bad'. Also used as an adjective when you need to describe something negatively but cannot think of anything other than saying 'bad'.

Can be written simply as EPIDEMIC

Not to be confused with infectious disease.

What is this lady doing? Her driving is so Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

Did you see how difficult it was to get him to olive my sub? It was so Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

I would tell you to jump off a high place but that would be Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

Michael Jackson's album BAD was literally Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

Uhh oh Clippers are down by seven with only 14 seconds on the clock. This is looking pretty Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

Ok, I'm don't want to be ... Water Jar Boy is Epidemic. (epidemuhhpednic)

by Sir H.C. Notneb December 29, 2022

douche rod

douche rod is a guy who is useful for one thing which is using his cock to siphon out the smell of a girl who has a nasty smelling pussy.

"that chick's pussy smelled so bad that I wanted to give her the number of a douche rod I know"

by Sir H.C. Notneb November 16, 2016