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weasel piss

weasel piss to mean the bottom of a drink by which people say is mostly spit.

ex. 1

Dude: "Yo man, you wanna finish this?"

Man: "Nah dude, I don't want your weasel piss."

ex. 2

Dude: "Hey, there's a little left in here."

Bro: "That's all weasel piss."

by Sittin' Easy March 30, 2009

6👍 9👎

Gangley Wrench

A slang term for marijuana, used mostly to purchase a certain amount.

Joe:"Hey man, could I borrow an 1/8 (1/4 ect.) inch gangley wrench?"

Larry:"sure thing."

Joe:"I'm going over to Bob's to borrow a gangley wrench."

Wife:"alright honey, suppers at 6."

by Sittin' Easy January 17, 2009

4👍 2👎


Slang for the word "good."

Guy:"I just won $15 dollars on this scratch ticket man!"

Dude: Thas goo man. Yo, buy me a slush puppy.

by Sittin' Easy March 28, 2009

9👍 15👎

Green Jelly Beans

Slang for Marijuana.

"Yo man, you got any of those green jelly beans?"

by Sittin' Easy January 17, 2009

10👍 3👎