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Niggatron someone who changes their life around or is always changing or improving

Convo q: hey bro you ever going to go back to the Trap?

a: nah bro I decided to go Niggatron I want to constantly keep changing to improve myself every time!

Wow I've never heard that before good for you my nigga!


by Skywalker 94 November 21, 2018

5👍 5👎

Help my fuck

An expression used to convey excitement, annoyance, frustration or, confusion

Homie: we started the smoke sessh without you
Me: Help my fuck you didn't !
Homie: yeah sorry my guy!

by Skywalker 94 March 25, 2021

Hog Goblin

Is when she keep poppin up jus to constantly fuck a nigga in other words obsessive side hoe

Nig 1: I got a problem my nigga the chick I bang the other night won't stop hmu I get sick of hog goblins my nig she still here

Nig 2: now she won't leave yo black ass my nig?

Nig 1: yezir

Nig 2: damn!

by Skywalker 94 July 24, 2019

Carnival Catie

Carnival Catie or CC for short
Basically means you got a girlfriend who constantly cheat on you regardless of whether you know or not. She cock thirsty!

Q: Hey bro are you and Veronica still fuckin my nig

A: Nah she turned into a Carnival Catie too many cocks to stop er

by Skywalker 94 July 28, 2019

Talk to me nice

New York slang for can you drop the price or my wallets looking a lil dry

Man: how much?
Clerk: $500
Man: come on man talk to me nice

by Skywalker 94 August 20, 2020

13👍 73👎

Bobo gogo

What a seasoned tweaker would call meth instead of clear

Tweaker: bro you see that guy over there

My homie: yeah the guy who's tryna act like a mortal kombat character

Tweaker: yeah he keeps throw out his hands saying "get over here get the fuck over here" there's nobody there yeah he on that bobo gogo you got any?

Me: fuuuucck noo I don't get down like that

by Skywalker 94 March 18, 2021

Smoking Maria

Smoking Maria meaning the consumption or the act of smoking cannabis

I just got done smoking Maria and I am high as the sky my guy

by Skywalker 94 November 16, 2018