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Cattle Decapitation

A Deathgrind band from San Diego California. Their music is incredibly intense and chaotic. Some have even described their sound as "schizophrenic". Many people say they are a deathgrind or death metal band but their music is much more than just those genres.

Their lyrics often protest animal cruelty, consumption/production of meat, environmental damage in a very macabre style. All the band members are vegans which i think is fucking awesome (I'm a vegan as well).

Also, they can put on an incredible live show and the vocalists is great!!! I have had the pleasure of seeing them live and I was thoroughly impressed.

Some good albums of theirs that you should check out would be The Harvest Floor, Karma Bloody Karma, Humanure and To Serve Man.

deathgrind gore not core veganism the harvest floor to serve man Cattle Decapitation

by Slayer of Light July 1, 2009

69👍 11👎