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A man who is attracted to beer over women. It's a growing trend over the repetitive use of the idea in American beer ads.

Girl 1: Kelsie, help...
Girl 2: What's wrong?
Girl 1: They guy you hooked me up with, turns out he's pretty weird.
Girl 2: Is he a homosexual?
Girl 1: Worse. An alcosexual.

by Smart American Male June 5, 2010

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A drawing of a male genital, mainly as graffiti. Drawing + cock = drock.

Goddamn fags! If I see another drock made on this desk, I'll tie their asses in knots!

by Smart American Male October 27, 2006

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Ashley Tisdale

Okay. Not good, great, bad, or terrible. Just okay. One would come to realize when coming across something like an interview on TV or in a magazine, if you can at least sustain the sight of that weird face of hers. Or finding out that the porn star and the prettyboy cunt aren't her friends anymore. Or even just because she's not with Disney anymore and that biohazard blond hair is now a strange colored brown. But still be kept caution after hearing that she's still eight kinds of people at once, and she is that old to still be wanting anything she wants.

Great - Obviously, no female stars have gotten here.
Good - Hayden Panettiere/Taylor Swift
Okay - Ashley Tisdale
Bad - Projects "Demi"/"Selena"/others from Disney/Jamie Lynn
Terrible - Projects "Miley"/"Vanessa".

Mary: What do you think of this girl?
Tim: Meh. She's Ashley Tisdale.
Mary: NUH UH!!! She can't be! Only Hannah Montana could be 2 different people! AHHHH!!!
Tim: No, you fucktard. I mean she's not bad. She's okay, but keep looking.

by Smart American Male June 8, 2009

100πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Ashley Tisdale

A careful yet still overrated actress signed with Disney whose best friends are a giant tampon named Vanessa Hudgens and her bitch, Zac Efron. She has been a Disney Channel regular since about 3 years ago and ever since then, she's been a marketing ploy to teeny boppers everywhere. From a temporary singing career, and soon to be a temporary acting career, it's only a matter of time before she'll start to shit bricks. She also is in bad shape and has decided to put her health in the hand of plastic surgeons. Opposed to Hayden Panettiere, Ashley Tisdale is one of several Disney-born stars that don't really impress anybody but the media.

Girl: Could you believe Ashley Tisdale is redoing her nose AGAIN?! What the hell?
Boy: I heard it's to improve her singing, but let's hope they fuck it up so badly that she can't even breath. I'm so sick of hearing about her.

by Smart American Male June 2, 2008

80πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

game under

1. A point in time where a game gets too brutal/stalemated/at full potentials/etc that it's to be played just out of the appropriate playing area

2. The opposite of "game over".

This game's far from over! It's game under!

by Smart American Male April 22, 2006

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Teen Choice Awards

Sluttiest children's special in television history. The abomination of awards shows and the most overrated.

Teens don't even watch. Children do.
It's not even their choice. The choice is Miley's and the Jonas Brothers'. And they suck.
Therefore, the awards are nothing but novelty.

You will die of ripping your own head off if you watch the Teen Choice Awards.

by Smart American Male August 10, 2009

61πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Teen Choice Awards

Kid's Choice Awards 2.0. Ages 5 - 8. Created by FOX. A rigged, scripted, unofficial awards show presenting fake awards to very "special" child celebrities who set bad examples to children of older or equal age, mostly to Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. They use laugh tracks to make it even more stupider.

Smart celebrity nominated for an award: I think I am too old for the Teen Choice Awards. I am not even going to attend, like I give a shit if I win one.

by Smart American Male March 22, 2009

73πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž