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a billion years later

1. An approximated date when all multicellular life forms will die out.

2. An exaggerated statement for how long something may take.

“Hurry up! Is my food ready, a billion years later?”

“A billion years later, we’re all gonna die! Better start making the most of it...”

“Apparently, according to scientific belief, sentient life expires from this solar system supermarket at least a billion years later, and is also when I expect to get my ice cream cone by; assuming my friends can’t be slower than they are, already!”

by Smith dux Wurd November 20, 2017

Donalda Trampas

The female and Mexican counterpart of a shouldn't-be-that-famous US president that makes walls preventing Texan, Arizonan, New Mexican and Californian immigrants from going into Mexico, promising that she will somehow make Americans pay for it all.

Donalda Trampas probably exists, but also will almost surely not be a Mexican president any time soon, so don't worry.

by Smith dux Wurd August 1, 2017


Pertaining to one who does not use slang words.

Hoodfuck #1: I bet that punk's only on Urban Dictionary to check out another custom Trump word again!
Hoodfuck #2: Yeah! Or MAKING one!
Hoodfuck #3: Yo, dis guy's slangless!

by Smith dux Wurd July 22, 2017


The opposite of a loving or being attracted to someone/something.

John had a disphilia towards anything that was not heterosexual.

John was also a dick.

by Smith dux Wurd December 18, 2017

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pooch pizzle

A pooch pizzle is normally when you lean over and take a piss on something in the fashion of a male dog.

I decided to troll the other people in the urinal, so I leaned over, unzipped my pants, and took a big ol' pooch pizzle. The guy in the stall next to me... let's just say "he was damn pissed!"

One time when I was 8, I was curious what it'd feel like to be a dog. I told my mom I'd go outside to pretend something new. 10 or so minutes later, she caught me pooch pizzling on our fence. That put an abrupt end to my childhood.

by Smith dux Wurd June 18, 2017

last tomorrow ago

Just now or just before now.

Jeff tried knocking on the door for hours before he realized,"Wait,... what am I doing? Knocking was so last tomorrow ago!" Then, Jeff grabbed a couch, and slung it at the door.

by Smith dux Wurd August 3, 2017

strawberry smoothie

Another word for va-jay-jay, as heard on "Impractical Jokers."

Joseph: "So, when I get home to my wife, I like to play around with her strawberry smoothie."

by Smith dux Wurd June 18, 2017

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