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white chocolate

1. a white dude with a huge dick.

Holy shit smoove, I didn't realize you were packin' a white chocolate Toblerone!

by Smoove B March 15, 2005

31πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


A bitterly sarcastic variation of the word congratulations. Usually used by someone in a very fowl mood. Not appropriate for formal settings.

You got that hoss's number? Congratufuckinlations.

by Smoove B February 2, 2005

45πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

down for whatever

Ready and willing to participate in most any activity. If said by your homie it implies that he is ready to have a good time in any situation. If said by or about a ho it implies that she is a chickenhead.

Billy: I'm down for whatever.
Timmy: Church! I'll call up that bitch Sadie, she's down for whatever.
Billy: Well then Holla at me after you hit that shit.

by Smoove B February 17, 2005

252πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

Smoove B

Your's Truly. The coolest macinist motherfucker on the face of the planet.

What up B?

That's Smoove B to you motherfucker!

by Smoove B March 10, 2005

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

How ya like that sucka

A slightly more inslulting substitute for How ya like me now. Should be pronouned with a slight pause between that and sucka with primary accent on that, secondary accent on suck.

How ya like that sucka!

by Smoove B February 17, 2005

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Outdated, obsolete, overused. Often refers to an idiom or colloquialism.

See played out, beat.

The expression all that is played.

Jerry: Helloooooooo!
Kramer: Jerry, that's played.

by Smoove B February 17, 2005

171πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž


1. a place of worship.
2. slang term used to describe a house of ill repute or a titty bar when speaking in the presence of women.
3. used to express agreement, to replace amen!
4. slang for good bye, similar to peace.

1. I go to church every Sunday.
2. I go to church every Wednesday on my lunch hour.
3. I hear that, Church!
4. Well, I'm out, Church!

by Smoove B January 28, 2005

1350πŸ‘ 784πŸ‘Ž