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Little Deeper Cushion; a worthless cushion which purportedly allows significantly deeper vaginal penetration; a cushion design based on a previously unsolveable differential equation, which allows unfathomable depths of vaginal penetration

Yo dude, since I got my LDC, all the freaks are begging for my shit.

by Snoopy Pugh April 19, 2008

137πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


agreeable to being fucked in the ass

Yo, look at that cherry bomb phreak, that mama's got to be anoreceptive

by Snoopy Pugh April 19, 2008

91πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


hypocrite who espouses family values yet indulges in high-class escorts - such as David Vitter, Louisiana senator

That dude's a vitter man - hitting'em with the Viagra on Saturday and preaching on Sunday

by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008

263πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


a motivational tool involving public criticism of others, such as one's previous teammate - as in Tiki Barber's criticism of Eli Manning that helped Eli lead the Giants to victory in Superbowl XLII

I may have to go tiki on my players on the local news - to help them step up their work performance.

by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008

208πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

digital drive-through

drive-in digital rectal exam facility

Dude, that was awesome, let's circle around and get in line again for another digital drive-through

by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008

111πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

wide bathroom stance

an extremely wide stance while taking a shit - where the feet are placed in the next stall; an impossible toilet stance if the pants are around the ankles; clever excuse by Senator Larry Craig to deflect attention from more probing matters

What the hell are you doing tapping my foot, you pervert? Nah, man, I just got a wide bathroom stance.

by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008

149πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


death accelerator; for profit service which purportedly provides compassionate and joyous end of life care in which death is hastened by a combination of powerful sedatives, lack of food and water, and a complete sense of hopelessness

Granny's family was eager for her large inheritance. Granny was enrolled in hospice given her diagnoses of cataracts and dry skin, and she died 2 days later.

by Snoopy Pugh August 12, 2009

198πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž