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Elijah Is a bitch boy who act all hard for no reason and we all mess with him because we all know he cant fight Elijahs are usually small and pull no hoes but hates on you because you do.elijahs will always try to say sorry after but it’s to late the damaged is done and last we have Elijahs favorite work Alr bro😂

Elijah you a bitch nigga I’ll beat your ass you weak ash you can’t hide behind you dad forever bitch.

by So ture May 22, 2020


To be gay/ Petty and u don't have nothing to say back or u have no good comeback so u blocked then. Most of the time it's girls who block Becaues if a boy do it mean he scared of u so he block u

We had a bad argument and he said something that was true and I'm scared to fight him so I just blocked him blocked scared

by So ture July 9, 2019

7👍 8👎